3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Counseling3 Stages (3Rs)Stage 1Stage 2Stage 33Rs TableAlternate VersionRelated Pages6 Groups of Topics10 Skills & Topics

3rs Metatheory of Counseling

Understanding the Counseling Process

  • Garden will teach you an easy and effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT & REBT) system.

The 3Rs Metatheory of counseling with examples of the stages at each step. Sometimes, modifying the 3Rs to Recognize, Reduce, and Replace is best.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new.” —Dan Millman, Way of the Peaceful Warrior.

“Align your focus with the solution and not the problem.” —Anonymous

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

The 3Rs Metatheory of counseling with examples of the stages at each step. In some cases, it is best to modify the 3Rs to be Recognize & Replace. Cover for the book Problem Solved! 3Rs

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

  1. Recognize
  2. Remove
  3. Replace

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

3 Stages of Psychotherapy

  • 3Rs are a metatheory of counseling and psychotherapy.

RECOGNIZE: 3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Stage I

  • You must recognize—
  • the self-defeating habit.

REMOVE: 3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Stage II

  • You must remove—
  • the self-defeating habit.

REPLACE: 3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Stage III

  • You must replace—
  • the self-defeating habit.

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Cover for the book Problem Solved! 3Rs

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  • You must RECOGNIZE

the self-defeating habit.

  • Therapeutic work at the first stage

concerns two kinds of movement.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


no insight to cognitive

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  • FROM denial TO intellectual understanding.
  • FROM no desire TO a mental desire to change.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  1. Help increase understanding (insight) regarding the nature of the problem by exploring its consequences.
  2. Help increase intention (reasons) to eliminate the problem by increasing your understanding of practical solutions.
  3. Help increase motivation (drive) to eliminate the problem by increasing your understanding of practical solutions.
  4. Teach cognitive (thinking) skills, e.g., sorting, testing, and accurate recall.
  5. Teach awareness and introspection skills so the client can recognize the problem.

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Cover for the book Problem Solved! 3Rs

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  • You must REMOVE

the self-defeating habit.

  • Therapeutic work in the second stage

concerns two kinds of movement.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


cognitive insight

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  • FROM thinking awareness TO feeling awareness.
  • FROM thinking desire TO emotional desire.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  1. Help increase emotional awareness of the impact of the problem by heartily disputing the thinking, feeling, and behaving that maintains the problem.
  2. Help increase emotional motivation to eliminate the problem by increasing emotional awareness of practical solutions.
  3. Teach emotional (feeling) skills, e.g., emotional responsibility.
  4. Teach meditation and detachment skills.

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Cover for the book Problem Solved! 3Rs

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  • You must REPLACE

the self-defeating habit.

  • Therapeutic work at the third stage

concerns two kinds of movement.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


emotional insight

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  • FROM feeling awareness TO acting awareness.
  • FROM emotional desire TO acting desire.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling


  1. Help increase behavioral awareness of the impact of the problem by encouraging the client to persistently practice the new thinking, feeling, and behaving solutions.
  2. Help increase behavioral motivation to eliminate the problem by reinforcing and generalizing new behavioral successes.
  3. Teach behavioral and social skills, e.g., assertiveness.
  4. Teach motivation, endurance, and persistence skills.

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Theory of Counseling

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Table Version of the 3Rs

  • Click for a list of Fast-Facts on the 3Rs.

3Rs Switch Behaviors

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Cover for the book Problem Solved! 3Rs

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Alternate Version of the 3Rs

  • In some cases, it is best to modify the 3Rs to Recognize, Reduce, and Replace.
  • There are some situations where the best that can be hoped for is a reduction of the negative and an increase in the positive.
  • Alternate 3Rs: Recognize, Reduce, Replace.
  • Keep reducing and replacing all the variables that cause or lead to problems.
  • Strive to remove all problems, but accept that you are only Reducing some of the problems.
  • Strive to replace all problems, but accept that you are only Replacing some of the problems.

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

3D: Daily Dose of Discernment: 2020

#Counseling #Plan: 2020-04-29

  1. Your willingness to suffer the work to end a problem instead of suffering the problem must be verified or developed.
  2. Your willingness to give up the problem’s payoffs, such as feeling better than others, is usually the first issue to work on.
  3. Your relationship to your problem needs to change; for example, stop relating to the problem as an “it” plaguing you and, instead, relate to the problem as a bad habit that can be replaced by practicing a better habit.
  4. Your problem with your problem, for example, your anxiety about your anxiety, is a crucial place for early work; otherwise, it might sabotage all your efforts to overcome the problem.
  5. Once you have your plan, your intention to develop new feelings, thinking, and behaving habits through continual practice must be steadfast.

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Theory of Counseling

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. 3Rs: Recognize, Remove & Replace Problems
  2. CBT, CT, & REBT Cognitive Psychotherapies: List Pages
  3. Coping Skills: Free Help
  4. Counseling Issues: Free Help
  5. Ego & Self-Esteem Fast-Facts
  6. Emotional Responsibility: List Pages
  7. Exercises & Techniques: List Pages
  8. Feeling & Coping: Fast-Facts
  9. Garden Your Mind: 3Rs
  10. REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy): List Pages
  11. Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
  12. Unconditional Self-Esteem (USE): Defined

  • Read and discover the best diagrams and maps of how people play games with your mind and heart.

Theory of Counseling

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.

Theory of Counseling

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Theory of Counseling

3Rs Metatheory of Counseling

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and master the life skill of acceptance using the best combination of CBT, REBT, & Stoicism.

Theory of Counseling

  • Ready to master the life skill of problem-solving using the best system: the 3Rs?

Cover for the book Problem Solved! 3Rs